Thursday, January 31, 2013

Going nuts for the San Francisco 49ers & Baltimore Ravens

49ers & Baltimore Ravens macadamia nuts


  • Macadamia nuts
  • Candy melts in your team's colors
  • Candy pens in your team's colors
  • Christmas lights sprinkles
  • Optional: Luster dust for 49ers helmet


  • Toothpicks
  • Wax paper
  • Piping bags



Gather and prep your supplies

For the Baltimore Ravens helmets, you will need black candy melts, a black candy pen and purple candy pen or candy melts in a piping bag. Optional: For added detail, you can also include yellow candy melts.

Gather and prep your supplies

You will also need Christmas lights sprinkles. They come in mixed colors, so pick out the purple ones.


For the San Francisco 49ers, you will need a red candy pen and peanut butter chips or candy melts.

Optional: If you want your helmets to have a gold hue, use luster dust.

San Francisco 49ers supplies


Dip nut into candy melt

Dip one side of a macadamia nut into the candy melt that will be the base color for your helmets. Then turn and dip another side so that they resemble a Pac-Man. Place on wax paper to dry. Continue with the rest of the nuts.

Dip nut into candy melt


Once dry, begin piping and painting details

Use a black candy pen to pipe the bottom of the mask. Next, pipe the top line of the mask. Finish by connecting the top of the mask to the bottom with little lines. Use a purple candy pen or purple candy melts melted in a piping bag to create the stripe along the top of the helmet. Glue a purple Christmas light to the side of the mask with candy melt.

begin piping and painting details -- Ravens fans

Optional: Add a little beak by dabbing yellow candy melt with a toothpick to the tip of the Christmas light.

For 49ers fans, you will use a red candy pen to draw a line along the opening of the helmet, as well as the mask. Draw a dot on the side of the mask as well.

begin piping and painting details -- 49ers fans

Optional: Use gold luster dust to make them sparkle. Just add a touch of water to the dust and use a paintbrush to add on.

These are almost too cute to eat! Almost?

49ers & Baltimore Ravens macadamia nuts

More football recipes

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Football favorites: Easy main courses
Football game snack recipes


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